Saturday 2 July 2016

Starting Year 2.

The new Year 2 children are settling into their classes really well and have already started to make the classrooms their own. For those of you who don't already know the class names are: Stag Beetles (with Mr Butcher) and Scorpions (with Mr Squibb).
During our first week we have enjoyed lots of 'getting to know you' activities and have started to find out a lot about our new class mates.

We also had two very successful swimming sessions and would like to say a big thank-you to the parents who were able to help us at / in the pool.
Next week we start a two week English topic all about a girl called Grace. When your children come home talking about her you need to know that she isn't a new girl in their class! Grace is the main character in a couple of books we will be using in our learning.
Year 2 is a natural step on from Year 1 and you should find that most of the routines and day to day organisation and expectations are very similar. However, please feel free to speak to available members of the Year 2 team at the end of school days next week if you would like to ask any specific questions or simply say hello.

Thank-you for supporting your children with their transition into Year 2.

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