Friday 21 October 2016

Half-Term Home Learning

Our Next Topic and Home Learning Challenge.

Next half-term we will be working our way through the Year 2 Traditional Tales Topic. It will really support the children’s progress if they are really familiar with lots of traditional tales before we start our work in school. In our English lessons the children will be adding twists to well-known stories so the better they know them the better their twists will be.
This is also a great opportunity to set our first Year 2 learning challenge of the year. The challenge is to make a story sack or a story box relating to a traditional tale such as Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, The Three Little Pigs, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Princess and the Frog, The Three Billy Goats Gruff (and so on).
Story sacks include props to help with the telling of a particular story, such as paper puppets, objects (e.g. three bowls for Goldilocks and the Three Bears), or key words relating. Here are a couple of examples of story sacks:

Image result for story sacks traditional tales   Image result for story sacks traditional tales

A story box is a shoe box that has been turned into scenery from the story with characters that can move about to help children tell the story (see below).

Image result for story sacks traditional tales

The children will be welcome to bring their home learning into school at any time before Christmas to share with the rest of the class (and possibly in an assembly).
The children have all worked extremely hard during their first full half-term in Year 2 and are definitely ready for a good rest before we start again after half-term.

The Year 2 Team.

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