Friday 27 May 2016

Our Trip to the New Forest Wild Life Park.

We all had a fantastic day learning about our local wild life and native animals at the New Forest Wild Life Park. We saw a lot of different species, including Scottish Wild Cats, wolves, giant otters, deer, wild boar, and even a lynx.

The children were really engaged with the park rangers and asked a lot of very insightful questions, especially about Hobbit the Owl.

The children have written recounts of the trip and many have produced their best every piece of writing. They were clearly very inspired by the experience and remembered an impressive amount of detail, including the names of all the park rangers who helped with finding our way and having our 'close encounter' session with Hobbit.

The children were extremely well behaved and represented the school with maturity and a clear desire to get the most out of our school trip. We are very proud of them and all the staff enjoyed sharing such a wonderful learning experience with them!

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