Friday, 9 November 2012

Back to school after Autumn half term!


Dear Fairy Godmother
What an interesting first week we have had in Year 2! We read an interesting book called Dear Fairy Godmother! The children then came up with lots of interesting ideas for things they would like to do and learn that link with our Fairy Tale Topic.

We are currently making puppets in Design and technology. Shrek left us a very interesting message explaining that he had lost his puppets for his Little Red Riding hood story that he loves to read to his triplets. He asked us if we could make some more which we have planned to make. We all decided after looking at puppets that stitching would be the best way to join the material.We have learnt how to sew.

Just another ordinary week in Year 2.Full of excitement as always!

There is no homework or spellings this week as we feel the children deserve a bit of a rest.

Enjoying the children reading to me for a change!

Hard at our puppet plannning

Enjoying the children reading
 to me for a change.

We are focusing on handwriting in
every subject not just literacy.

Junipers + a couple of Rowans
enjoying Dear Fairy Godmother

A super puppet plan!

Speak soon!
Mr. A.Hustler and the Y2 Team


  1. If you have any ideas for our fairy tale topic, please leave us a comment so we can magpie/steal/use them!


  2. Your puppets sound great, I know the children in Reception would love to watch a puppet show if you fancy putting one on...
